Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Action Plan

Marshall Independent School District
Technology Organizational Chart

Marianne Middleton
Instructional Services Director
Manages curriculum and instruction throughout the district

Ron Lehr
I. T. Director
Oversees all technology and all technology personnel within the district

Jessie Hale
Network Administrator
Responsible for network security and network functionality within the district

Angela Williams
Computer Tech
Troubleshoots technology problems at Marshall High School

Beverly Goss
Computer Tech
Troubleshoots technology problems at Marshall High School

Marshall High School
Technology Organizational Chart
Ted Huffhines
Campus Principal
Ensures/oversees the use of technology on the campus and develops professional development for staff

John Purifoy
Associate Principal
Supervises teachers and the integration of technology in the classroom

David Segers
Teacher Coach for Mathematics/Science
Assists the core teachers with the integration of technology in the classroom

Glory McCoy
Teacher Coach for ELA/Social Studies
Assists the core teachers with the integration of technology in the classroom

Classroom Teachers
Implement technology in the daily lessons.

Role of Principal

The principal is responsible for ensuring that technology is used on the campus. He encourages teachers to collaborate with each other to find creative ways to use technology in the classroom. He also monitors and encourages the use of the technology lab by all teachers on the campus. In reference to the technology budget, the principal ensures that funds are available to support technology use in the classroom. The principal schedules staff development and encourages teachers to pursue technological learning on their own. Last, the principal disseminates technology information to the teachers as received from the technology director and other resources.

Professional Development

Professional development should be made available to all staff to ensure effective implementation of technology in all subjects. In addition to computers and internet, other forms of technology should be explored and integrated to provide opportunity for continuous student engagement and creativity in the classroom. It has been noted that teachers do not understand the purpose of the STaR Chart. They also are not aware of the Long Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020 or the SBEC Educator Standards I-V

Areas to Address

• All staff will participate in continual relative staff development that fosters technology integration.
• Staff will meet monthly within their core area to discuss/generate technology ideas.
• Teachers will collaborate in their weekly team meetings regarding ways to implement technology in weekly lesson plans.
• Teachers will integrate technology in their classrooms with PDAS documentation.
• Teachers will be encouraged to use technology outside of the classroom to “practice” what they’ve learned.
• Teachers will receive continual training on Skyward for recordkeeping as the district moves toward a paperless society.
• All staff will receive training on the purpose of the STaR Chart and the Long Range Plan for Technology. They will be provided individual STaR Chart results and asked to create a plan to reach Target Tech status.
• All staff will receive training on the SBEC Technology Proficiency Standards.


The District Technology Committee will review STaR Chart data on an annual basis. The committee expects to see progression from Emerging Tech to Target in all areas of the STaR report by 2020. Teachers will document technology integration in their lesson plans and technology staff development in Section 3 of the Teacher Self-Report. The principal and associate principal will evaluate lesson plans looking for increased technology usage. Walk-through also will be used as an evaluation tool. Findings will be documented in PDAS.


Miller, Sheryl. Personal Interview. December 10, 2009.

Marshall I.S.D. Marshall High School (2009). Campus Improvement Plan. Marshall Independent School District. Marshall, Texas.

Marshall Independent School District (2009). District Improvement Plan. Marshall, Texas.

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