Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 2006-2020

The Texas Long-Rang Plan for Technology is the vision for the implementation of technology in the classroom through 2020. According to the plan, the approach to teaching and learning must change from the "one-size-fits-all" approach to tailoring the curriculum to meet the individual needs of the students. To do this, the teacher and textbook must cease being the primary sources of information in the classroom. Instead a shift must occur to project-based instruction where students communicate with peers, collaborate with experts, and access online instructional resources and distance learning courses.

To optimize the learning environment, the educator must participate in life-long learning in the area of technological advances. It is critical that veteran teachers receive ongoing job-embedded professional development to assure mastery of the SBEC Technology Applications Standards for all teachers. Beginning teachers should meet the Technology Applications educator standards.

School leaders should model and expect the effective and ongoing use of technologies on the campus. It is their responsibility to develop, implement, monitor, and budget for a technology plan which aligns resources to improve student learning and support school operations.

The information I learned from the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology can assist me as an instructional leader in many ways. I realize that the technology must be used as a major tool in the education of all students. Without it, students will not be prepared to function in the 21st century environment. Students today, unlike the teachers, were born into the technological age and have used technology all of their lives. Technology makes learning interesting and is a motivator for students. It absolutely must be present in schools. Educational leaders are responsible for making sure that this technology is available to all teachers and all students; therefore, It must be maintained by technical support staff that is readily accessible. As an instructional leader I will ensure that professional development is job-embedded to optimize the teachers' skill retention. I will model the use of technology and require teachers to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,
    You succinctly reviewed the Texas LRPT. I agree with your comment that "the teacher and textbook must cease being the primary sources of information in the classroom." School leaders are responsible for modeling the use of technology.
