Friday, July 30, 2010

Action Research Plan 2010-2011

The goal of my research is to determine ways to provide a seamless transition from DAEP to the home campus so students will be current in the curriculum and not behind their peers.

OUTCOME: To view the current DAEP Academic Transition Plan of Houston ISD
ACTIVITY: Interview the AEP Director of Houston ISD to obtain strategies they use for the successful transition of students from DAEP to the home campus. Talk to the DAEP Principal for details in implementing those strategies and to obtain a copy of the transition plan.
TIMELINE: 1st Six weeks of school
EVALUATION: Interview with AEP Director and DAEP Principal for Houston ISD. Copy of HISD DAEP Transition Plan

OUTCOME: To determine how the DAEP curriculum compares to the home campus curriculum
ACTIVITY: Review current curriculum (the four core at all grade levels) at the DAEP and compare it to the curriculum used on the home campus.
TIMELINE: August 23, 2010—Sept. 6, 2010
RESOURCES: C-Scope, Textbooks, PLATO, computer, Internet access
EVALUATION: Study curriculum

OUTCOME: To determine if the TIMELINE for teaching specific TEKS are the same on the DAEP campus and the home campus
ACTIVITY: Compare lesson plans of teachers at the DAEP campus and the home campus of the same subjects and grade levels
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Amanda Clark, classroom teachers
TIMELINE: 1st and 2nd Six Weeks of school year
RESOURCES: Lesson Plans, Syllabi from all subjects of all grade levels
EVALUATION: Chart/calendar showing when specific TEKS are being taught on the DAEP campus and the home campus.
OUTCOME: To determine the key stakeholders’ insight as to the reasons students fall behind while enrolled at the DAEP campus.
ACTIVITY: Compile a survey for stakeholders to complete that will allow them to express their concerns and beliefs regarding the current curriculum and other observations at the DAEP campus
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Amanda Clark, DAEP campus stakeholders
TIMELINE: 1st six weeks of school
RESOURCES: Surveys, computer with internet connection
EVALUATION: Results from the surveys

OUTCOME: To determine if teachers on the DAEP campus meet the Highly Qualified Status as stated by TEA.
ACTIVITY: Review the qualifications of teachers at the DAEP campus.
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Debbie Crooms, Human Resource Director
TIMELINE: September 13—September 15
RESOURCES: Computer with internet access
EVALUATION: Report from Human Resource Director

OUTCOME: To determine if teachers on the DAEP campus have received training in behavior management of students with behavior problems.
ACTIVITY: Review workshop documentation of DAEP staff. Survey DAEP staff to determine the need for behavior management staff development
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Amanda Clark, all DAEP staff
TIMELINE: September 16
EVALUATION: Compilation of survey results

OUTCOME: To determine if reading ability has any bearing on the academic performance of students placed at the DAEP campus
ACTIVITY: When students are admitted to the DAEP program they will be given a reading test to determine their current reading level.
TIMELINE: This assessment will be given on the first day of the student’s placement.
RESOURCES: STAR reading assessment
EVALUATION: Star reading results

OUTCOME: To determine the academic ability/progress of each student placed at the DAEP campus
ACTIVITY: When students are admitted to the DAEP program, their academic profiles (grades, benchmark results, TAKS results)
PERSON RESPONSIBLE: Counselor, Amanda Clark
RESOURCES: Computer, AEIS report, PEIMS report
EVALUATION: Study individual student profiles


  1. Amanda,
    Excellent job! Your action research plan is very detailed and leaves nothing out. Your activities are well thought out and appear to be very applicable to the research process. I am impressed that the HISD is willing to work with you and allow you to implement these activities in regards to the students transitioning from DAEP to their home campus. That is a true compliment to your ability as an up and coming administrator. Please keep posting on the accomplishments and challenges of your action research plan as it is applicable to many of our campuses and districts.

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