Friday, July 23, 2010

Data: The Truth Behind Success (5301 Week 2)

It is very important to look at data to determine reasons certain groups of students are not successful. Teachers should have access to that data for their students, so interventions can be put in place as necessary to make sure all students are succeed. When a teacher has a strategy that works, and no one else is using it, the teacher, rather than the principal should share it with the staff. That type of staff development is better received because it is peer-to-peer.

I must remember that I do not have to reinvent the wheel when looking for answers to wonderings/questions. Articles, books, and proven strategies from other campuses are excellent resources for ways to help students learn and reach their greatest potential.

We have to move beyond just learning pedagogy and become data driven. Eventually we will be able to look at data regarding teachers. We will be able to connect the teachers’ years of experience, their certifications, degrees, practices, and strategies to determine what may impact instruction tomorrow. Everything we do must be geared toward producing results and increasing student performance. No longer can we, as educators, be excited when we make a difference in one child’s life. The bottom line is all students must be taught and experience success.

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